Barbie - In the Flesh!

Barbie - In the Flesh!


As a young child, all of my toys were very soft and cuddly. That’s how I liked them. As I got older I preferred playthings with functionality such as remote control cars or vehicles that could fly. Basically my brother’s stuff. When I went over to my friend’s homes, they would present their royal court of Barbie Dolls. It would baffle me. I couldn’t comprehend the need for such spindly feminine pieces of plastic, not to mention the occasional Ken doll laying nearby with no pants. Barbie herself was not cuddly in any way and definitely had a superiority complex, so I left her alone… that is until the day I discovered that her hair was quite flammable. However, this did not bode well for being invited over for a second playdate. 

I had no qualms about letting my parents know that Barbie and I were at odds, thus saving everyone an unpleasant Christmas. This doll who seemed to have hoodwinked the rest of the world was the first indication in my life that I might be different. I didn’t want to be an outcast, lord knows we all want to fit in, but for this I stood my ground. No Barbie dolls. I know that her saccharine smile and perfectly proportioned body (by anorexic standards that is) was meant to dazzle a young imagination, yet whenever I walked into a friend’s home and felt the weight of Barbie’s blank stare I’d think… YOU. My mom proudly claims that there were never any Barbie dolls in the house, yet I suspect this was more about fire safety than concern over what I played with - but thanks Mom.

In short, Barbie is still a mega mystery to me. How and why did she became so incredibly popular and multi-faceted? I mean, she’s been an architect, paleontologist, NASCAR driver, airline pilot, airline stewardess, firefighter, and a freakin’ astronaut. She is a shining deity of unattainable perfection and greatness that none of us can ever hope to achieve. I’m not sure if this tiny perfectly proportioned bit of plastic is a national treasure or a major cause of neurosis for young women.

So instead, I decided to revere her in the only way I know how - in a circus banner. As far as I can tell, you - O Barbie, are one of life’s great teachers molding our children into god knows what. Then again, on second thought, perhaps you’re just completely useless. One or the other. Better just keep me away from the matches. 

Size: 44”X 58.5”

Medium: Oil and tinted house paint and glitter on repurposed canvas drop cloth.

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