Rex Proclamation Poster 2020

Rex Proclamation Poster 2020


Molly was selected to create the Krewe of Rex’s official Proclamation Poster which announced the start of Carnival season 2020. The event, held at Gallier Hall, was heralded in by Mayor Latoya Cantrell.

Size: 45"x59"

Let us begin with our gypsy fortune teller in the center of the painting. While holding her crystal ball, she reveals a card bearing a crowned jester’s head - symbolizing carnival. In the Tarot, this card is entitled “The Fool” which represents new beginnings, faith in the future, beginner’s luck and trusting the universe.

The owl represents magic, mystery and ancient knowledge. He is holding the thirteen bleeding hearts which indicate the sincerity of his intentions.

The raven, as a talking bird, represents prophecy and insight, but is often perceived as an ill omen. The five snapdragons symbolize deviousness and deception.

The Death’s-Head Moth represents death in the sense of letting go of the old and making way for new.

Bats, because of their ability to maneuver via echolocation while in the dark, represent the perception of things that others cannot see.

On the upper left is a skeleton with the moon holding a sickle representing the unconscious mind. Death is one of the most feared and misunderstood symbols in the tarot. It signals that one major phase in your life is ending and there is a new beginning on the horizon that will bring about increased self-awareness.

On the upper right, the prophet is in the form of a wizard with the sun which represents the conscious mind. He possesses the power to draw upon forces from the universe to manifest his desires and turn them into reality in the material world.

The great storm cloud behind the jeweled crown from which emerges the rainbow, symbolizing desire, happiness and friendship (as well as cross dressing) unites forces with lightning which electrifies the All-Seeing Eye and reminds us: As Above, So Below and that Hindsight is always 2020.

Medium: Oil and tinted house paint on repurposed canvas drop cloth.

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